You are not performing, and we have a sort of the same negative feedback from other departments as well................
I am not shocked pasal benda nih. Memang salah aku. Aku malas dan tidak mahu berusaha. But before you accuse me of being the loser (which I am) actually I'm not. As I told you previously, I didn't have interest in the field in what I'm working now. Ok, no interest so why apply and accept the job?
Jawapan mudah. Tidak ada pilihan lain. I never get what I want. And if you feel that the world is not fair for me, I think so. Lagipun, siapalah kita untuk memilih. Yes, we have the right to choose but does the choice want you??? Yang penting ada kerja dan tidak menjadi sebahagian daripada penanam anggur yang semakin ramai di Malaysia ini. Sedangkan orang nak cari tempat latihan internship pun begitu payah, apatah lagi mendapatkan kerja seperti kerja aku sekarang ini, which is good actually.
I'm not analytical. I know that my mind is almost blunt, and I think the way I think is like the same like Paris Hilton. Minus the luxury. If you feel that I'm not hard working enough, you probably right. But they dont understand how difficult to make you work hard on something that you dont have any interest at all. Mungkin anda boleh. Mungkin anda boleh memaksa diri anda. Yang penting anda berjaya melakukannya. Tapi Joey masih tidak boleh paksa diri. Kemampuan yang ada setakat itu sahaja.
And my groupmates. Seriously, I'm not hating them. They're bunch of good people, nice and warm. Unfortunately, putting me inside the group is like putting Paris Hilton with some of The Apprentice contestants. Not to mention names, but I dislike intellectual jokes. And I love talking bout American Idol, Akademi Fantasia..and everything on the TV or entertainment which my groupmates doesn't like to talk. Their topics? Economics...Everything from the newspaper and the task assignment, which I seldom want to talk. And who the hell that put me into this very ""matured"" thinking group????? Gilaaaa...(matila encik K...wakakaka)
But, thanks to one of senior colleague of my new department. He's been telling me that something unique is inside me..... and that's why among hundreds candidate that applying to the position, I was chosen to be one of the 16 people that got the position. (I think I do well during my interview session).
Right now, I have to focus on my energy. And forcing myself to deliver the best. The only thing that pull me back is my groupmates. But , I'm not disliking them. It just that you would never caught Paris Hilton sit down and talk to Bill Gates, or even Warren get the drift
1 orang telah memberi komen yang sengal!:
do ur best je la joey..
as long as ader kejer...
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