Sunday, October 25, 2009


How to look poise and educated (read : an air of arrogant) but still be likeable?

How much yourself that you have to control so people not throwing a hissy fit to you?

How to suit yourself going out with a group of friends because sometimes you think that at the end of the day you realize that you enjoy going out by yourself, or with a one friend??

How to adjust yourself, from being a lone ranger to being with friends?

A series of questionnaire that I need to figure out, on the way I take another step at the stairs...

3 orang telah memberi komen yang sengal!:

muke saya cantik kan? hahaha said...

dont make any conclusion easily.its 'adat' la..

u might think ur the only one yg didnt enjoyed the moment. n u assume others are thrill and enjoyed..

if they were as bored as u, its not ur prob la actually. means u r normal cos they were not enjoying the moment as well. right?

i hope u get what i mean.

Penapenis said...

just be yorsef mr joey..
lama tak datang bertandang.. ^_^

Amirul Idham said...

rilex la joey...
don't try so hard untuk jd disukai org..
rileks... biar ia jd secara natural...

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