Monday, April 04, 2011


Some people expect to be understand. Some people need to be listen. Some people draw all attention to them. They forget that everyone around them have feeling. But who actually care for your feeling anyway?

I, for instance, I never really care about others. But, being human, mulut dan perkataan tu jer yang kata never really care. Tapi, there are some incidents that show I care.

I am always on the cycle. Everyone that I've ever met, kinda go in one type of cycle. Ok, the blame is on me, and previously I've said that when people are ignoring you, that means you have to let it go.

P/S Reduce is key of the week :)

4 orang telah memberi komen yang sengal!:

bukankosong said...

sure...people come n go, but dalam ramai-ramai tu ada seorang dua yg akan menjadi sahabat baik kiter :p

Joey said...

mungkin betul kata ko rashid :)

Semoga Tuhan membantu me moving on .

NUke_Rude said...

cool lah

Joey said...

am cool :)

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