Sunday, June 05, 2011

Kemelesetan Ekonomi!

One thing about me that I notice right now is, I hate going out. Without sufficient money, that is. I mean memang ada orang kalau duit tinggal 5 ringgit dalam dompet pun still bleh gi hang out dengan kawan-kawan. I simply cannot do that. At least if I want to hang out, maximum is 100.

I am not saying I am "money eyes", but I just dont feel comfortable bila takde duit. Seriously, there's a lot of people want to hang out with me sekarang (kekwat sungguh..hihihi), but I tak nak. Sebabnya, ekonomi meleset.

But, if ada duit, I'll be the most generous person in the world. I bleh belanja korang makan, pegi karaoke and everything, tertakluk kepada bajet yer. Well, you can ask some of my friends..(matilaaa..kekwat lagikkkk).

Kesimpulannya, kalau saya tak nak hang out tu, maksudnya saya takde duit ler, bukan sebab anda...hihihi

2 orang telah memberi komen yang sengal!:

NUke_Rude said...

oi. lepak! lepak!

Joey said... bajet ler skrg :P

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