Friday, April 06, 2007


remember my green with envy friends?

maybe i should refresh your memory once again.....well pada sapa yang tak tau sapa si green tuh..mrasa klik sini utk tau pasal dia................

well...dua tiga hari ni dia takde dalam kolej.......he told me that he was going back to his hometown....but i know the truth.........(i'm not going to reveal what was he doing).......

you know what?...time dia takde aku rasa cam happy sket....i don't think much of being overshadowed by him......and seems everyone pay attention to me when he's not around.......

aku's not that i'm not a good friend.....kawan..memanglah...but everytime he was around ...i jadik invincible.......suma tak nak layan aku....tapi dua tiga hari dia takde ..kuliah kelas ...everything seems in good!!!

what's that mean?...should i stay away from him?......maksudnya aku tak bleh sama2 dia supaya aku tak lagi rasa sedih dan kosong.....atau maybe i'll just bersama-sama dia and then continue rambling here...tentang betapa aku sunyi.............

tapi ...aku letih dan teringin sangat nak beritahu dia.......i am your friend!! just never put me in your lebih sibuk bersama-sama kengkawan kau yang sespesies ko jugak.....
maklumla.......aku ni not the same spesies just like them....pepandai korang tau ape kebenda spesiesnyer.............

i really want to tell him that....*&*&*^&^%^%^%^#!!!!!!!!...figure out for yourself..............

i maybe jealous of him....but seems he don't care much bout what the heck?

oh ya.....i found out that si green itu have write a blog!!!!..oh my god......well...i just happen to stumble upon his blog...........hahaha....

well...i'm not going to reveal his blog's link. simply because i don't want him to steal my thunder here...wakakaka(matila jealous teramat2).....i'm i have a high dose of jealousy...
at least inilah benda jahat yang aku bleh buat kat dia.......truth is i can't do much ....

tapi....jangan kata aku suka nak menghanjengkan orang....i 'm not...biarlah dia berusaha sendiri....bloghopping ke sana sinun.........well...kalau nak buat kawan kena lah rajin kan bloghopping....i wonder if he pernah datang kat my site...hehehehehe..........

so....should i say hi to him in his blog???.............not IN A MILLION YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!

by the way...i meet someone today. starts of very well....but i think the person don't have interest with me at you go....i know...sapalah nak ngan aku ni kan......

that's all i i'm writing here...i can hear a loud thumping sound from the other block...they're organising a concert for their block's party and i can see the stage from my wide windows................

so long....have a nice day everyone :)

3 orang telah memberi komen yang sengal!:

Anonymous said...

i pity you, my friend.

FAIZUL said...

ko jeles ker suka dia ni joey???
x yah la join join dia lagi...
sampoai bila ko nak sembunyi blakang dia jer..
sampai bila2 org x nampak kan??

btw...bukan x nak ajak g cherating..
ko tu jauh sangat,,
bila ak terbang naik belon g situn..
ak ajak ko jalan2 yer...hehehe..

AK said...

huhu memang r suka bila ko komen pepanjang... sebab rasa entri tu dihargai... tak sia-sia la aku ketak ketuk keyboard aku ni menaip... thanks ya!

back to this entry, it reminds me of something... like i have been there before...

like i said before, dunno the case is applied to you or not... kalo tak seswai, anggap je la aku share story mory ngan ko...

actually dulu aku ada kawan... tatau sebab apa, mungkin pesona dia ke, kredibiliti dia or personaliti, aku rasa macam berminat nak kawan dengan dia... n it happened that i have been dogging him around, seeking for attention... dia layan aku macam besa-besa je...

yang aku plak... menonong jeles bila nampak dia rapat dengan kawan lain, even a guy... rasa macam crush on him plak... but it was not!

rasanya masa tu aku rasa tertarik nak berkawan sebab dia ada apa yang aku minat, dan aku berhasrat untuk memilikinya (as fren of course, jangan merewang ok)... mungkin pelik tapi itu yang berlaku...

mungkin jugak ko sibuk dengan mr green ni sebab ko minat nak berkawan... mungkin ko jugak macam aku dulu...?

tapi tu dulu la.,.. sekarang lantak la... aku jadi independent... biar diorang mengharap kat aku... aku dah pernah berharap ni, sakit wei... macam menunggu buah tak gugur... sampai satu masa aku pk, biar la apa nak berlaku... ijust be myself...

again, just a comment... sharing is caring right... (care ke?)

p/s - apa cita mr f? huhuhu

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