Friday, February 16, 2007

I'm GREEN with ENVY!!

quite hard when i was told that my sunyi blog will be move to blogger beta version. i was quite sceptical at first...takutlah kalau beta ni susah sket nak logging..anyway...since moving's quite good although it's still have minor problems...never mind bout that.

yesterday, when i was with my fren walking back to hostel from class...and as usual laughter and happy is always around... my fren, K, say something that was something that i think long ago....

" mesti best kan joey*,kalau kita kerja dalam tempat kerja yang sama ...ketawa2 ngan ngumpat orang...jomla...nanti kita sama2 kerja kat G***P***." which i reply... " i don't think so...i want to work somewhere else".
quite obviously at that time, tak sangka he would say something like that....
but i believe that he say it with honesty..wanting me to be his friend good times..

yeah..sure i will reply yes without hesitate....but i remember...i got one thing first of by him....

truth is...i was JEALOUS of him..GREEN with envy....
WHY?.....simply put by this he was attraction for everyone but not me...(hahaha..perasan sangat)
everybody like's him...(but there's one guy who don't like him....oh...never mind bout that ..he's just one)
he always happy and never i have seen him gloomy...(except when it comes to exams and test...hahaha)

i feel like whatever i do...i was overshadowed by him...kind a feeling like Mawi and Felix in AF3...even though that Felix was much better vocalist and personality-wise, he just cannot overshadow Mawi..who got much more auraa...(matila berangan jadi felix....hihihi)
my joke was lame beside him...and i'm looking like naughty devil compared to him...(not that he's not a fallen angel....)

that's why...i really related to this topic when my frequently subscribe magazine ...EH! have touch on this issue...
i was really petrified when the article titled 'Awas...kamu dicemburui' was published in April 2006 issue.....browsing and reading the articles repeated times...i realised how i'm feeling bout him....

yeah ...i'm making my confession here that i really jealous of him...and by the tips given by the articles to reduce the jealousness....still i don't know how to use it....

but.....with open mind, i realise that he was honest with me....sharing some of his secret to me...and i feel like the i'm the guilty one here....

i think jealousy that was covering my whole thinking for now.....and making my life miserable..because i'm not someone like Siska**, where i want to do bad things to him...(sometimes i do think...oppssss...), i just keep it ...and long before was accumulate and it's still growing bigger....

then i realize, this is not the right thing. so...i try to reduce a little bit of it from days to days...although it's still have some of the jealousness here..but i think i can cope with friends..if you happen to read my blog...i just want to say that THANKS FOR BEING MY FRIENDS...REALLY APPRECIATE YOU SO MUCH EVEN THOUGH I'M THE ONE THAT YOU PUT LAST IN YOUR MIND........ the way...shortly after this i'm gonna attend one of my college's program...and my 'i'm-green-with-envy" friends will be strutting some his stuff..
he say that he will modelling some clothes....hahahaha...i don't care about that anymore... i just want to go there to cheer him.....maybe i won't go at all......

Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy
It's such an evil thing to watch someone like you
Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy
Nobody wins when you're full of envy
'Jealousy-Paris Hilton'

* my name is not joey though...but i would like my pseudo to be that...
** Sinetron Bawang Merah Bawang Putih..highest rating in case you not watching it...(but who doesn't ....rite?)

2 orang telah memberi komen yang sengal!:

Red Mummy said...


dont care la kalo ko kata itu bukan nama ko

erk..apa akak nak ckp tadi

alah dah lupa

nnt akak ingat akak kaco ko lagi.

AK said...

best la plak baca blog ni... ayat ko best la... keep it up!

rasanya dah cukup aku komen pasl frens ni...

tapi aku akui, pernah berlaku situasi mcm ko ckp ni, aku jeles kat kwn aku... hampeh je...

tapi dulu la, lepas tu kitorg kinda lost contact, dan jumpa balik n rapat balik kat dunia blog...

bgus gak internet ni sbenarnya...

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