Sunday, January 20, 2008


Here I am. Back Again. On a serious note.A lot of work unfinished, sebab I'm having something yang aku namakan Keletihan Melampau. Yes, sejak kebelakangan ni..aku selalu rasa penat dan letih walaupun aku tak buat banyak kerja..Terlebih tidur adalah....

So..I consult with the college's doctor about my condition. Aku sendiri tak berapa ingat setiap butir patah perkataan yang diucapkan oleh Dokter itu. But ada satu yang masih aku ingat sampai sekarang...

"........Ya sebenarnya stress yang berlebihan juga boleh menyebabkan keletihan yang melampau..................."

Mungkin doktor bercakap benar. I am thinking the same juga. Belajar untuk let it go adalah satu perkara sukar. Di luarannya aku seorang yang ceria. But It was the inside of me that really needs to be calm.

Sometimes I feel that I have fear just to talk someone. Mungkin korang kata ala...normallah but for me ...this is something that make me stressful.

I learnt something from two of my best friends here...just accept the way you are, or who you are..apabila kita menerima diri kita seadanya...keyakinan diri itu akan datang dan akan sentiasa meningkat. Sayangilah diri seadanya, sebolehnya.

I try to accept how I am, the way of me, but I know that deep down inside I was not able to really be proud of this is the way I am.

My two best friend have something in common. Mereka tidak berasa takut atau gentar untuk bercakap dengan sesiapapun. Especially yang seorang ni. I admired the way he brings himself.

Dia yakin dan tidak pernah takut to show inilah dirinya yang sebenar, sedangkan aku, masih lagi cuba bersembunyi because I fear that they don't accept who am I.

Kadang-kadang aku cuba melarikan diri dari fakta bahawa aku adalah itu... but in the end it still keeps haunting me back.

Why the fear?

I don't want them membuat pandangan yang serong terhadap diriku. And I don't want them to make some negative dish about me in sort of a bad way.

And I really don't have any topic to say. So sometimes the feeling is awkward. I see my two friends can talk to these persons...but I myself just keep quiet...really don't know what to say.

I wonder, if these people like Tru, Amirul, Azman, Azrul or even Kamal were in my college ..I never have the guts to say hi or just lepak with them having a nice fun conversation. Although with my two friends, I am non stopper.

Maybe I need help. I need support. I need to have someone to tell me that they can accept the way I are..even though it makes me them ...euwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...or really??

What is the biggest deal I am talking about? Well..still I'm not revealing anything. For those of you yang dah tahu... Thanks for still want to be friends with me...

The things is I need to build my confidence. Try to accept the way I am. And be happy that is the way I am. And to show everyone that this is who I am..without any fear..

P/s- I am going to the 'other side' soon to spent my short holidays. Details about it in my next entry.

13 orang telah memberi komen yang sengal!:

zee said...

hey boy
i've always ur frens... okay
jangan lah stress sangat... kesian abg nengok... petang2 tue pegi lah beriadah... kuar kan peloh banyak2... it's a way nak reduce stress... sports activities... yang light2 pun takpe janji ade kuar peloh

u can always talk to me

u nak pegi ke other side...??
jgn lupe abg mu ini yer... nanti kontek2 lah yer... bile nak pegi nieh...??

Anonymous said...

meh i ajar u..


joey..jgn risau...

sumer yang indah akan datang kat kau..

tunggu lahh..

:: cheezzy cheese :: said...

yea dat rite joey, stress yang berlebihan mmg boleh menyebabkan keletihan yang melampau.. mmg betul pon esp. org yg berkeje cam akak ni dik..

FAIZUL said...

all of that will come someday if u try to let it happen..sama jerk ak cam ko dulu..pendiam kot..depan org kaku..lama2 pandai arr begaul sendiri..try to get u out of ur comfort zone...

p/s : mai la datang banggi!! hehehe..

Rina said...

"I learnt something from two of my best friends here...just accept the way you are, or who you are..apabila kita menerima diri kita seadanya...keyakinan diri itu akan datang dan akan sentiasa meningkat. Sayangilah diri seadanya, sebolehnya."

ada betulny ayat2 di atas tu.. confidence tu sendiri menunjukkan betapa seseorg tu yakin dgn diri dia. so joey, pertama2 skali, learn to accept yourself. semua kelebihan & kekurangan yg ada, tu dah jadi kemestian bg seorg manusia. xde org yg perfect kn? =)

den, sikit2, cbe tuk atasi that fear to talk to someone. sy pon selalu menghadapi mslh yg sm. slalu terpk apa yg org lain kata ble sy ckp something @ buat sesuatu. tp, lm kelamaan, sy mmg btul2 stressed sbb semua yg sy buat, xkena. akhirny, sy tukar diri sy. cbe kentalkan diri dr terlalu fikirkan perception org & skrg ni, sy rs lebih konfiden tuk bercakap + bg pendapat + bergaul ng org lain.

hehe.. pjg la pulak komen kali ni.. harap2 joey xmarah k.. =) n take care, all d best!

Mak Su said...

yes.. just accept yourself and be confident... cool

Anonymous said...

other side???
tamoh kasiktau kite kah?
4 me la, papepon, kalu kite bulih terima kite ni seadanya, insyaallah, sume2 tu later akan come out...
memang sukar, tp kalu kite usaha, akan dapat hasil gak kan, gambareyoh joey!
doakan kamo, kamo pon doakan kite ugak...
new year, new me, sadness~

b heppi neh...

Amirul Idham said...

loh..apsal ko takut lak nak tegur aku kalo aku satu kolej dgn ko...

rilek suda...aku bkn jenis mkn org pun...

Amirul Idham said...

loh..apsal ko takut lak nak tegur aku kalo aku satu kolej dgn ko...

rilek suda...aku bkn jenis mkn org pun...

aria ayumi said...

kadang... kiet tak bleh nak puaskan ati sume org, joey... as long as joey jadik diri sndiri n just stay the same... itu dh memadai... :)

arsaili said...

displin kan hidup kot...duk college mana?

Anonymous said...

senang cite, wat bodo jer..
orang akn sentiasa bercakap psl kita..
so,jgn pk sgt per org len nk cakap..
kalo asek pk, stu keje pon xwat..
lagi naya..

Mr Final said...

Hurm.. Mr final pon.. ade.. gak.. sesegan nak ckp ngan owg2.. nih.. lelebih.. kalo owg tuh.. cam divas.. laaa sgt... but.. slowly... skrang.. Mr Final pon.. rasenyer.. mule overcome.. skit2..

YUp.. Joey... Final ade bace kat article mane ntah.. kalo kite stress kite akan.. letih... plg tidak pon symtom2 yang lain kite akan.. sakit perut... so.. try.. to.. take easy on.. mende2.. yg wat kite stress...

Lastly... im here.. to be ur fwen joey... xyah.. pk sgt.. bout.. yakin diri tuh.. wat je.. kalo rase nak wat... huu~

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