Sunday, January 11, 2009


Today I spent most of my time sleeping. I don't go out much. Lebih-lebih lagi sekarang aku dah ader laptop. Well , maybe go once in a while. Teringin gak nak tengok wayang, but I've got no one to accompany me with. Anyway, just spent my time watching television, sleeping, eating ..(yea I know a boring weekend..but hey...i'm okay)

It's been a long time dah tak watch television.. tengok punya tengok, tekan channel tuh ini..aku terberhenti tengok satu channel yang memaparkan one of my favourite television show, Desperate Housewives...(okay..okay..jangan gelak ..citer dia memang kelakar ...unlike Grey's Anatomy..oppss)

To think of it , sekarang ni banyak sangat citer2 pasal women empowerment nih. Rasa-rasanya trend ni start masa siri Sex and the City ditayangkan. Tapi for me tak pernah tengok pun rancangan tu, almaklumlah piring satelit belum ada lagi masa tuh...(stesen tv kat malaysia mana berani nak tayang siri itu..hahahaha)

Since SATC pave the way for the others maka muncullah rancangan seperti Desperate Housewives..but I think ever since the Desperate Housewives..barulah muncul siri tv macam ni.

What do I mean? Yea...shows like Lipstick Jungle, Cashmere Mafia ..and even the guy get their male empowerment show too (that would definitely be Hot Shot). I've seen Cashmere Mafia and Hot Shot but not Lipstic opinion...quite so-so la. The script is just dah biasa orang tengok. Even the pilot episode of Cashmere Mafia dah macam biasa plak (I watch the pilot..huhuhu).

Joey cuma suka dua jer jenis macam ni..Desperate Housewives and Ugly Betty. Sangat2 funny, and sometimes quite sarcasm at times, tapi aku layan. The character are funny, witty and memang giler. Pilot episode for both of the show pun quite a bang, and I never forget the scene where Gabriel hurried home with her glamorous gown and then go to mow the lawn in Desperate Housewives pilot, or even when Betty wears that red skin tight red suit just to please her boss in the pilot of Ugly Betty (this scene makes me eyes teary..although I have a good laugh..but its meaningful). Anyway both got some pretty good lesson for life... :).

Apa..apa la Joey melalut ni..hahaha

p/s :- Joey baru tengok 30 rocks.. So funny...and Tina Fey rocks!!

3 orang telah memberi komen yang sengal!:

Mak Su said...

maksu ni asik tengok hagemaru sajork :(

farish izaryl @izreez said...

sex n the city the movie best heheee

Khai a.k.a Inche' Dean said...

erm.. kembalikanlah semangat kamu.. huhu..

p/s: jgn makan gaji buta.. x elok tu.. huhu

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