Sunday, July 19, 2009


Hai semua? Apa khabar? Anyway, Joey sihat di sini. Terrlebih 'sihat'. Hahaha. Lama tak update ek? Malas sangat. Kebolehan untuk menulis secara kreatif dan kritis semakin menghilang. I rather be silent reader of all of you out there.

Now, what in store for my life right now. Macam-macam. Sibuk 'berhemah' katanyer. I guess I have no interesting thing in my life right now. Kalau ada pun, malas nak cerita ..hahaha.

Owh..yea..remember dulu Joey pernah cakap yang orang gemuk senang nak kurus , while the kurus susah nak gemuk?

I can eat anything and still look slim!

Now it all backfires. Seriously. Never in my life that when I wear trousers, it feels so sempit and my zip are going to burst anytime...

Me still nampak the way..cuma the size of my belly sudah melebihi garis panduan yang ditetapkan. OMG.

Joey pun rasa hairan sejak bila my belly increase their territory. I believe that I'm so happy right now, tak banyak masalah- masalah besar and lack of exercise punca semua ini. Dulu, hati rasa kurang tenteram, emosi pun agak tak menentu, moody, menyebabkan susah nak gemuk. Itu dulu. Sekarang, ishh....malu pulak nak cakap pasal bahagian waist yang semakin membesar

Ok..I try to have a healthy lifestyle. Tapi ..agak susah. Baru jer lepas makan set burger A&W. Oh no.....

1 orang telah memberi komen yang sengal!:

farish izaryl @izreez said...

wek mne la joey ilang geget kang! haha

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