Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ada Masa Kita Harus Sopan!!

Last week was a little challenge for me. Something that could jeopardize my career. Thank God, the mystery finally revealed, and I'm not guilty. Well, maybe a little bit guilty. Now, what can I do is be more becareful next time. Happy mode have to be maintained but not too happy ..hahaha.

In the meantime, I need to be more serious on my work, as I find myself lingering around during work playing some hanky panky kids games on the computer. The problem is I am too lazy. I tend to get bored easily, and when I get bored, I am not doing my work. Okay, need to put some passion here. Maybe because it is coming to the end of the year, where not much work have to be done...(like a school, don't you think?)

In two weeks time, a crucial things happen to me and my career, and it's very important as I need that. I have lots of credits now and I don't think I need to apply for another job, and have to go against hurdle of strugglers out there, including the one who get the teddy from my department (and I am not that short guy, which I think he would get any job eyes are green now....hahaha)

Anyway, I just notice that I need to tone down myself. A little bit not too over because I have tendency that people will not like me after they find me a very unique and special person. Well, it is disheartening to see reaction from the people who at first sight, like you very much and ends up bitching and hypocrite with you. Well, I'm sure the tone down version of me is just the same like before, but now I know which part that must be keep and reserve, and have to respect other people too.

Oh..I need to go right now. I want to go shopping, for the event next weekend. Till then...

3 orang telah memberi komen yang sengal!:

Amirul Idham said...

tapi kalau dapat kerja dgn gaji yg baik di tmpt lain...

tak kan nk lepaskn peluang tu kan?

Anonymous said...

yup...kalu ada keja yg baik nape nak lepaskan..rebut peluang yang ada

Syaf said...

went through my old blog Curioussyaf and I remember u were one of the regular reader. just wanna say "Hi!"

keep in touch. hehe


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