Saturday, February 24, 2007


hey....first the foremost...(btulke english aku ni...).....thanks for everyone yang memeriahkan suasana tag board aku tuh....yang selalu datang kat blog aku ni semata2 nak tulis kat tag board tuh...aku ucapkan terima all made my day.........thanks for that.....

hmmm.......what i really want to say bout the topic this time....i don't know if the topic sesuai atau tak ...tapi i try la nak tell the story...

susahkan nak be different?....everything that you do ....tak bleh different from be different mean you have to stand out from everybody and to do must have a very high confidence.....tanpa konfidence yang'll end humiliating yourself an at the end of the day...kita jadi bahan kutukan orang ramai plak.....

for me...i'm afraid to be different....aku tak nak stand out from the crowd...walaupun dalam hati sebenarnya nak attention(rujuk post2 lepas)....bagi aku...aku rasa kurang gembira sket kalau ader orang2 yang mengata2 aku nih...sensitif sketla.....ya..everyone will say that " ah ...pedulikan apa yang orang cakap." atau "ah...lantakla...aku punya hal...suka hatila apa aku nak buat ....korang nak cakap apapun korang buatla....i dont mind."......yes....bagi orang yang mempunyai konfidensi yang tinggi sudah dapat menepis semua kata-kata mencela itu...but for really took me back.....

selalu fikir ...kalau aku buat mcm ni gerenti org kutuk aku...that sort of things aku selalu fikir......akhirnya...aku jadik seorang yang boring disebabkan terlalu sangat memikirkan what everyone think about you......i still don't know how to make myself likeable....just like on of my fellow classmate, V.

but still..i'm blaming myself for not dare to step up......and i'm blaming my college situation...(matila.......kolej pun bersalah syiall jerk)

there's some particular individu in my class that really have the guts to stand of them is my "i'm -green-with-envy" friend(rujuk post lepas)...

bagi aku....tak taula bila nak beranikan diri...maybe sampai bila2 pun tak berani to be different...i just follow the suits ..........

7 orang telah memberi komen yang sengal!:



wait till you be me... *sigh*

Joey said...

what you mean by being you?....heheheh

Anonymous said...

alah....relek lah joey... kita sabahan kene kuat semangat... nak2 kalau duduk pulau kan...?? haha...!! aramaite.... eh..silap pulak...!! *larrriiikkkkkk.....

p/s: i menyamar jadik sabahan just for u...bleyy....???


AK said...

hurm... just be yourslef i guess...

nak komen lebih2 pun aku bukan pandai sangat...

aku dah tulis dah tag ko... pnjang gila... sakit la ko nak baca!~ huhu

Anonymous said...

for me the key to confidence is these three words:

fuck them all

Irwan Marcello said...

noks... nasihat kakak, uols harus yaaaakin...!! matilaa aku pun selalu jer terpeleyot... hehehe =P

susah nah org nie duk sibuk jaga tepi kain orang... kalau org tuh cantik, kiter duk pulun laa carik keburukan dier... kalau org tuh pandai kiter duk pulun lah carik kebodohan dier... Dgn erti kata lainnyer... *sambil libas2 rambut* depa tuh Jelez! ley? *matilaaa ayat penyedap hati... hehehehe

buat jer apa yg ko rasa wat ko happy... tuh laa yg aku buat sekrang nih...

zee said...

ramai lagi yg nak jadi kawan ko kan bah......

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