Monday, March 05, 2007

EnTRy Double Dose DoUble BaNg

wahhhh.......kali ni kita bersiaran lagi pada waktu malam hehehee....giler aper satu hari dua entri ..muahahaha.....tak kisahla....sebab banyak story plak ari ni.....

petang tadi seperti biasa kelas and this time there are students doing presentation....and ....i'm yawning all the way to the end...........matilaa mengantuk ajer............ after 2 hours straight ..we have another class supposed to end at 7...but since our group is so efficient we manage to finish our work in the just a few minutes...hehehehe.....

tapi ...sebelum tuh sempatlah pegi menonton markah untuk test 1 bagi satu subjek susah buat semester ini...........guess what i've got??...........................huhuhu 4.6 out of 20..............waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

pesal sket sangat nih........matilah update blog tapi tak jugak studi2......................terkejut and feel down sekejap ...tengok markah yang sedikit itu......but my friends ader dapat 2....some even got member aku ni suma tensen la ngan sedey.............pasal markah mimit mai.......(kecikla maksudnya) na la nak lulus subjek ni.....huhuhu............................................

sib baik la aku ni bukan jenis yang suka lama-lama feeling down....sekejap ajerk......lagipun i'll always believe that there are people who have lower marks than you.....hehehe reverse psychologyla kunun.............tapi bila check senarai markah tuh.....hmmmm...quite suspicious gak la.....pesal bebudak yang conform pemalas and tak pandai...*matila...berlagak pandai....
dapat markah much more higher than me.......????

bukan nak pertikai aper kan..but i know some of this persons........and usually my marks mesti lebih tinggi dari dorang...tapi malasla kan nak buat spekulasi....mungkin nasib dorang baik kot....hehehehe

tapi si K ni...dier bersyusah hati plak...sebab markah dier kecik sangat.......sebab tula abis jer kelas...aku terpaksa menemankan si K ngan member lain membuat retail therapy...hihihi....dengan membeli tingkap2 yang ada di hypermarket sekitar tempat kitorang belajar ni...................(window shoppinglaaaaa)

as usual.....aku harusla ikut...because i'm the clown of the group....i'm making fun of myself and others supaya kunun2 blehla legakan hati dorang yang gundah gulana itu.......aku tak kisah sangat....yang penting dorang jangan sedey2 pasal markah kecik tu...huhuhu...

maka berangkatla kitorang menaiki kenderaan menuju ke tempat yang dituju...............mula2 dorang nak pegi makan...since kawan aku K and S ni is non muslim....they decide to makan aku pegila bertenggek kat gerai majalah tuh....sambil tunggu sesambil curi2 baca majalah...........*matilah akak gerai dah jeling dua tiga kali baca ajerk tak beli2...wakaka

anyway................selepas makan.....acara membeli tingkap pun bermulaaaa..................sebenarnya i dislike beli tingkap sebenarnya ...terutama time2 tengah sesak ni........bukan apa....kalau aku keluar mesti beli something tujuannya..............kalau window shopping ni aku rasa buat penat kaki jerk.....hehehe..................

start berjalan dari counter make up ke booth jual rantai and earring and then proceed to the upstairs ......(yes this hypermarket is quite big and spacey)............penat woiii......

cam biasala kalau aku ngan member2 aku ni sama2 jalan.....we never short of laughter....and mostly contributed by me.....hehehehe.....okla...sebab hanya dua member aku ni jerk yang paham cam na pikiran aku ni.....hehehehe

setelah penat berjalan dari tingkat ke tingkat, dari hypermarket ke hypermarket untuk membeli segala macam jenis tingkap ....(berkaca, alumininum.....suma ada..hahaha)....lama tuh wei...tau2 jerla.....................then we decide to go back to college.........

itu jerk sebenarnya nak story.....anyway..i'm glad yang aku bleh menceriakan member2 aku nih.....and i almost forgot that i got small marks too ........:)

okayla...nak pi mandi sat .......penat baru balik dari beli tingkap trus pi update blog....gegeh kunun...ahaks!!!

4 orang telah memberi komen yang sengal!:

Anonymous said...

i tak suka beli tingkap cos its so tiring. u r such a good friend. if i were u i wuldnt even bother to cheer other people up.

i just realiazed u call me Monyet Bayau. wht is bayau? just curious.

Joey said...

hahaha...seems anyone call you pop monkey.....i decided that i want to be something i call u that..hehehe

by the way bayau is the proboscis malay they call it monyet my place we called it bayau.....

anyway have you seen the mascot of sukma when it was held in sabah few years ago....?
yeah ..the mascot was bayau...there you are

Irwan said...

All the best Joey! Baru first test.. make sure u score yg lain! ;)

Joey said...

thanks mr.irwan................

gotta go to study....(as if i go to study now....muahahaha)

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