Monday, July 16, 2007


Hai...i was actually in my new room .. with a new roomate and,new room and new block.
yeap ...aku kali ni kena tukar blok lain la pulak...sebelum ni aku tinggal kat tingkat dua..sekarang ni tingkat satu....sib baik....penat wei turun naik tangga

oh ya..minggu permulaan ni biasanya busy la ..nak siapkan report itu..nak siapkan proposal for tesis..tapi satu apa pun aku tak buat lagi...almaklumlah kan orang yang buat kerja di minit-minit terakhir...hehehehe

nampaknya sejak dah balik kolej ni macam-macam perubahan ada.. yang paling buat aku terkejut..Green dan kawan aku si E tuh dah pandai smoking!!! perkembangan yang hebat ni....ada juga dorang nak ajak aku ikut serta ...tapi aku cakap yang aku ni mungkin mati lebih awal sebab hidu asap rokok tuh...oppss!

kembali ke kolej bermakna i have to suit my not so weird personalities...less weird , i must say...ialah kengkadang kita sedar yang kita ni takdela orang nak pedulikan sangat and aku kalau boleh nak rasa gembira jer..malas nak sedeh2 ni...

since green's friend was not on the college anymore..(sorry someone...) maka aku menjadi kawan yang ada lah..(apart from the other two)..i'm fully aware that i was there just to fill in the spot....well..sekurang-kurangnya ada aku menggantikan dorang yang telah pergi....nasib baik 4 tahun....(have a lot of meaning there) I say before..I am not hating them....i just dont like feels uncomfortable

walaubagaimanapun, all is same like before. i still don't grab attention from anybody. i am still invisible when i'm with green. still refer as the side kick. not the main cast.I was there to complete and making the story much better. tapi kalau aku takde pun takpe sebenarnya.

i'm trying to avoid green as much as possible because I think since i'm craving for some attention, the idea of together is not applicable..(for a friend la..what do you think??)because green hogs the limelight everywhere he's going and i don't want to share the same limelight anymore and i have been overshadowed for the past few years..

ironically , my personality shine when green was not anywhere near me. case exAMPLE..PRACtical TIME...

i know that we cannot avoid each other(have two classes together) and i try to accept the fact that i'm just a sidekick to him..not a hero!!

ataupun dengan kata lain...aku sebagai pelakon sampingan....bukan membawa watak penjahat..tapi sebagai kawan baik kepada watak utama....well..okla aku selalu mengingatkan diri aku bahawa walaupun aku di sini adalah watak sampingan..but someday you have your own show (spin off la...konon)...masa tu barula ada satisfaction...

sekarang ini aku cuba untuk berfikiran positif walaupun kadang-kadang ada masanya i'm feeling down....but now...i was still in happy mood...

walaupun seperti yang aku katakan di sini,

mereka masih dalam dunia mereka sendiri , their jokes, their language...tinggalla aku yang terpaksa menghipokritkan diri accepting all these....

3 orang telah memberi komen yang sengal!:

AK said...

new approach needed for the new sem...
marilahkita cuba ubah semua menjadi apa yang kita nak...
aku pun tengah berusaha ke arah itu...
apa pun, harap makin gembira tiap hari!

FAIZUL said...

hi joey..
ala sem baru semnagat baru..
yg lama tu lupakan ajar..

melangok kat lab ni..
sedih hidup ku..

Anonymous said...

i know many ppl hate me to say this but

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