This is my last review for the concert, because after this I cannot go watch the concert coz I need to go to somewhere not near televesion signal...huhuhuhu
Before I go, I just want to say that I agree with one of famous blogger who blogged about AF, that Edrie Hashim should get away from the critique panel. I know he's knowledgeable, but he seems soooooo boring and his comment was not constructive. Meaning? He is not entertaining. Bring back Ogy or Hattan maybe(hahahaha). Yes...jury needs to entertained people. Adlin? Okla..tapi berjela-jela pula dia punya speech.
And seriously, for the next season, ASTRO please take the credible tukang uji bakat. Bukan nak kata Nurul ngan Edrie tak bagus, tapi kalaula Ramli MS jadi tukang uji bakat ker, maybe standard pelajar macam OIAM kot...
I'm saying this because there's some student there that I think the vocal macam nyanyi kat red box atau k-box, still boleh dapat tempat kat AF. For me, this is the one of the biggest AF mistake. Selalu cari peserta yang punya personaliti sahaja. Yelahkan...nak dramakan diari..haruslaaaa
So..astro..please next year, stage uji bakat tuh kena ketat lagi. Maybe pemilihan stail ala OIAM atau American Idol?? Lagipun apa salahnya tiru idea yang baik. Lagipun AF dah tiru stail pentas OIAM ....larikkkkkkkk
Ok...performance wise..although Hafiz clearly the best from the concert, but he still dont grab my attention. For me, he is just plain. Work on to color your personality , boy!(Matila baru cakap tadi kena ikut vocal bukan personaliti)
I like Aishah! By standing there so cute..reminds me of Gita Gutawa!! Not in terms of vocal but the cuteness....okay she started off very well but the 2nd song, her vocal macam agak kasar sket...tak nampak cheeky...
Why Obri looks weird with his hair??? And I dont know why masa uji bakat dia lepas. Akan Tiba should be sung playfully but he just tahan-tahan. Malu-malu la plak. 2nd song pun tak besh. Owh..please dont tambah vote dia lagi..such a pain to hear dia singing straight jer...
And please anak2 gadis di luar sana (atau yang anak jejaka songsang) sila hentikan undi Aril, sangat biasa sahaja. Takde perasaan wow pun. Dia jer over konfiden. Mentang-mentang asyik muka dia jer menempel kat kamera diari. Green pun mula tak suka kat dia.
Akim...kena kerja keras lebih sikit. Suara ada. Tapi macam tak polish lagi. Kena jadi matang sket.
Isma..Isma..currently she's leading with 30 something percent vot.....apalah yang korang nampak dari dia ni. Dia memang bagus tak dinafikan. Tapikan perumpamaannya seperti bersepahnya pelajar cemerlang 17A1 dalam SPM sampai tiada siapa pun yang menonjol....Get What I mean????? Kalau Hafiz tuh jadi nombor satu dalam voting poll, aku still bleh terima lagi. Kerrrrr...banyak sangat kroni dia neh?
Erm yang lain....
Malas nak cakap...bukannya aku pakar sangat pun.wakaka
Before I go, I just want to say that I agree with one of famous blogger who blogged about AF, that Edrie Hashim should get away from the critique panel. I know he's knowledgeable, but he seems soooooo boring and his comment was not constructive. Meaning? He is not entertaining. Bring back Ogy or Hattan maybe(hahahaha). Yes...jury needs to entertained people. Adlin? Okla..tapi berjela-jela pula dia punya speech.
And seriously, for the next season, ASTRO please take the credible tukang uji bakat. Bukan nak kata Nurul ngan Edrie tak bagus, tapi kalaula Ramli MS jadi tukang uji bakat ker, maybe standard pelajar macam OIAM kot...
I'm saying this because there's some student there that I think the vocal macam nyanyi kat red box atau k-box, still boleh dapat tempat kat AF. For me, this is the one of the biggest AF mistake. Selalu cari peserta yang punya personaliti sahaja. Yelahkan...nak dramakan diari..haruslaaaa
So..astro..please next year, stage uji bakat tuh kena ketat lagi. Maybe pemilihan stail ala OIAM atau American Idol?? Lagipun apa salahnya tiru idea yang baik. Lagipun AF dah tiru stail pentas OIAM ....larikkkkkkkk
Ok...performance wise..although Hafiz clearly the best from the concert, but he still dont grab my attention. For me, he is just plain. Work on to color your personality , boy!(Matila baru cakap tadi kena ikut vocal bukan personaliti)
I like Aishah! By standing there so cute..reminds me of Gita Gutawa!! Not in terms of vocal but the cuteness....okay she started off very well but the 2nd song, her vocal macam agak kasar sket...tak nampak cheeky...
Why Obri looks weird with his hair??? And I dont know why masa uji bakat dia lepas. Akan Tiba should be sung playfully but he just tahan-tahan. Malu-malu la plak. 2nd song pun tak besh. Owh..please dont tambah vote dia lagi..such a pain to hear dia singing straight jer...
And please anak2 gadis di luar sana (atau yang anak jejaka songsang) sila hentikan undi Aril, sangat biasa sahaja. Takde perasaan wow pun. Dia jer over konfiden. Mentang-mentang asyik muka dia jer menempel kat kamera diari. Green pun mula tak suka kat dia.
Akim...kena kerja keras lebih sikit. Suara ada. Tapi macam tak polish lagi. Kena jadi matang sket.
Isma..Isma..currently she's leading with 30 something percent vot.....apalah yang korang nampak dari dia ni. Dia memang bagus tak dinafikan. Tapikan perumpamaannya seperti bersepahnya pelajar cemerlang 17A1 dalam SPM sampai tiada siapa pun yang menonjol....Get What I mean????? Kalau Hafiz tuh jadi nombor satu dalam voting poll, aku still bleh terima lagi. Kerrrrr...banyak sangat kroni dia neh?
Erm yang lain....
Malas nak cakap...bukannya aku pakar sangat pun.wakaka
2 orang telah memberi komen yang sengal!:
haha byk kroni isma tu kot joey ngundi die? wakaka
u going to somewhere not near television signal?? membawa diri ke encik joey.. ahakkss..
and juz wanna share la kan.. my vote goes to hafiz, obri and aisyah.. but still i minat isma gak.. ihikk
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