Sunday, January 23, 2011

Almost 5 Years!

Looking back, as I scroll back older entries, I just realize that I've been blogging for 5 years. 5 freaking years. I realize how much I change in the way I write my entries. I am so happy that I still have the passion for blogging, although not as much as before, but I always keep mine updated.

I read a newspaper that blogger can make RM1million, just by blogging. Now, who doesn't want that?? I might want that back in those day, but I think, that is not what I want for my blog. (Hey, dulu2 kak red(red mummy) ada datang tau, siap bagi nasihat lagi kat Joey...hihihi).

Anyway, as I said before, I want everyone to come here, but I need to becareful on who am I going to reveal mine. There's a lot of spanking fresh blogger who get 100 to 200 visitors daily, but I dont care about that at all. Good for him/her.

I miss the old blogger fren, like alessandra flavio, kamal, truanta (he change to faizul lately..hehehe), and the late redziaf(semoga dicucuri rahmat ke atasnya). And I wonder what happen to Mr Monkey Bayau. Where are you?

Juga tak lupa pada asna. :)

From just to express the loneliness feeling because his bestfriend prefer other than him, to basically everything he's going through, He's truly come from a long way. :)

5 orang telah memberi komen yang sengal!:

NUke_Rude said...

eleh. baru 5 tahun!! (cewah!)

nway, keep on writing n share ur thoughts; as there's always ppl who will read it; no matter whether they'll like it or not.

after all, it's ur personal blog.

Joey said...

yer.. i am a senoir blogger.

p/s lepas ni aku nak buat contest giveaway la, boleh??

tapi tak nak la bagi diari2 motivasi, kunci hadek2 comel...hahahahaha

ashraf said...

kamu kamu kamu mana saya dalam list? saya pon senior blogger gak =0

FAIZUL said...

agak arr..miss the old time.when everyone updated the blog frequently.masa tu blaja lagi kot byj free time. dah kerja seem mls and life a bit mundane. there's nothing to brag about!

Joey said...

asna...hahaha..i'm sorry..kita baru kenal 2 tahun kan..hihihi

faizul..sama jer. Cuma aku takde admirer lagi cam dulu. Ingat jiran sebelah?? Hahahaha

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