Sunday, June 10, 2012

Definitely Not Afraid of People!

I certainly have problem. With people around. Hey, I'm not saying I am Antropophobia, I still can mingle with people, but the problem is I dont want to linger around them. It's like having a one night stand, at the end of the what ever you was doing, you just want to go out and put on your clothes and rush to nearest exit door without saying goodbye or even kiss, if the analogy is quite right.

The ironic thing is, where I try to love social gathering, whenever I was in the gathering, I never like how it feel. It always feel like oh no my clothes, my hair, my everything is not in the right place. Something just not right, even if I do make myself prepare for it, but I think it often comes dysfunctional (in my mind, at least), which I cannot point finger at.

Sometimes, I do feel I want to go have fun with friends, because it do feel bored being alone, but whenever I got the chances to have fun with friends, I just want to eat and after that, my hearts linger on being with myself only, as I think I feel happier alone then with friends.

Well, I think I would try to change that.

4 orang telah memberi komen yang sengal!:

bukankosong said...

samala kiter

jumpa jumpa owg baru kenal lagi rr

aku sgtla pemalu

Asrul "iLham" Sany said...

i think the easiest way to deal is don't give too much f*ck about what people might think about u...

they will judge u no matter what u do...


Anonymous said...

i have no life. but when u click wth pple who can relate to ur conversation in variety topics xcpt for persnel question. then u will find suprises thruout the acquaintance!

Joey said...

rashid.. jusco skrg banyak muka2 baru ek :P

asrul. you sometime have to think about it. If it's truly you dont REALLY care, then you probably going out naked to shopping!! lol

inchek anon. My topic of talking is very limited. i dont read much and i dont have much passion in any other things for now. lol

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