Monday, June 25, 2012

This is It!

I have a resolution. Temporary resolution. Ada ker di pertengahan tahun baru nak buat resolution? Hahahaha.

By the way, my resolution is just simple. Until I get my feet standing strong (or in straight to the point punya bahasa, until my financing problem get settle), I will not indulge in any kind of social and relax activities macam tengok wayang, jumpa orang, pegi orang kahwin. Not, until I'm having much cash in my hand and I really don't know where to spend the cash.

P/S : My life philosophy for the moment is money are something very important that can shape my social activities and whereabouts. LoL.

2 orang telah memberi komen yang sengal!:

Asrul "iLham" Sany said...

currently am on saving mode...

but still refuse to give up action figures and movie hahaha...

walaupun agak malas nak kuar berjalang2 sekarang...

Joey said...

asrul. well, still it's better bila berdua berbanding sorang2. macam orang tu :P

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