Sunday, July 22, 2012

Bulan Berpuasa!

Alhamdulillah, dapat juga sampai ke bulan Ramadhan tahun ni. Tak tahu kenapa macam terasa lain kali ini. Kalau ikutkan, I never really like Ramadhan, to be talked about. But now, rasa macam ada ketenangan, walaupun baru sehari.

Mungkin sebab I left my job (I never thought I will be able to change my direction, I believe I will be forever in that job), seriously macam all the beban was lifted through my shoulders. Although the pay was slightly lower than my previous company (tapi jumlah keseluruhan mcm lebih tinggi sedikit. hahaha), I am still happy because I do think there are path on progresssing more towards succesfullness of me (LoL).

At my current job now (which is still in training mode) everyone was so curious why I left the company (which is one of the biggest and proudest company in Malaysia). I don't know what to say. Something have to be kept to look professional, but I just say lack of promotional for all the work I've done made me change my mind.

In the mean time, I will need to find another crib (room to be exact), to symbolize a change in my life direction. (sebenarnya dah bosan duduk umah skrg, so nak cari umah yang ada housemate. A lonely one needs to talk to somebody too :) )

P/S Nak mencuba menambahkan amalan sedikit demi sedikit. Tidak mahu terlalu extreme, but one step at a time.

5 orang telah memberi komen yang sengal!:

bukankosong said...

baguss rrr,anjakn paradigma tuh

sYukCurz said...

+ve improvement! salam ramadan

Ri said...

slmt menyambut ramadhan, joey n_n
moga lbh baik drpd thn sblmnya

tahniah atas perubahan dlm hidup, moga dilancar dan dipermudah segala urusan baik joey..

NUke_Rude said...

hahah. tahniah atas 'penghijrahan' itu. haha.

jom carik rumah kat putrajaya. :D

Joey said...

rashid. skali skala terbabas juga. opsss

syuk. terima kasih.

ri. thanks. err. aku masih seperti dulu kot.

amir@nuke. putrajaya jauhla dari tempat aku kerja. dan apsal ada koma atas dalam penghijrahan?

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